How To Set Up Parental Controls On your Child’s iPad

With most kids going online this school year, they're going to spend a lot of their time on gadgets and browsing the internet. That's totally fine with us, but what's not okay is the overuse of their gadgets and the possibility of encountering people we don't want them to ever…


Potty Learning The EC Way

In today's episode, we talked about potty learning using a technique called elimination communication. Our guest, Anna Fille, shared some tips on what cues to look out for and the tools she used to make her own toilet learning journey a happy one with her little one. Anna Fille is…


7 E-Learning Resources For Kids

A lot of things have changed since COVID-19 entered the Philippines. In the first few days, it felt like the world stopped. My kids' schools ended their classes abruptly. My husband suddenly couldn't come home. And we weren't allowed to leave the house. But, we all knew we had to…