School’s Back! How To Navigate Home Learning

If your child's school is one of the early implementors of distance learning, then you've probably started classes a few months back - just like us. Most students, however, are just starting this month and I can see a lot of parents struggling to adapt to having the kids learning…


How to set up a retail business

I'm always on the lookout for opportunities to add an additional income stream and one of the methods I've been researching on is how to set up a retail business. I'm sure there are others here who are also planning to do the same... but what does it really take…


Young Living Starter Kit 2020 Unboxing

Guess what arrived over the weekend? My Young Living Starter Kit! I've been holding off on this for a while because I was feeling overwhelmed by all the information. But Erica and Joy, happily helped me work through that block, and here I am - with my very own essential…


How To Teach Mindfulness To Kids

Mindfulness is a daily practice I have been doing for quite some time. It has helped me focus and get things done in a manner that is aligned with my why. The practice came very handy when the pandemic started as it kept my focus intact and encouraged resilience. It's…