Play Time at SM Aura’s Snow Playground

Ever since we saw Disney's Frozen with the minis, The Princess has been extremely fascinated by the idea of winter and snow. That's why last December, we took the minis to Manila Ocean Park to check out Trails to Antartica. We went around the whole park, but Snow Village was the…


After A Week of Limited Screen Time

Last week, I wrote about encouraging my kids to veer away from screens (TV, iPad, iPhone) and explore other activities, such as painting, crafts, dance and music. It's amazing what one week of moderated screen time can do! I've encountered little tantrum-throwing, the minis can pay attention to one activity for longer…


A Flower In Bloom

I've been doing a lot of branding exercises (thanks to the worksheets from Martine's Branding Bliss Workshop) and note-taking recently. I don't know, I'm starting to feel like I need to regroup and evaluate where I want this blog to go... in the long run. Anyway. I'll talk about that when…


My Kid Just Said #3

Sorry to bombard you with "My Kid Just Said" posts. It's just that our little girl has become super talkative and we are amused at how funny she reacts. Me: What did the ants say? The Princess: Bite! Bite! Bite! Me: What did you say? The Princess: Ati! Ati! (Itchy!…


My Kid Just Said #2

My kid just said the longest, clearest answers I've ever heard. As to how she learned to answer questions that way, I don't know. Maybe she heard it from us. Maybe she saw it on TV. But whatever. I'm just happily surprised. Yesterday, I cooked The Princess' favorite dish: Spaghetti…

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