Chance Erin: Our Water Birth Story

You'd think that once you've given birth to four babies, you'd know what to do when you have your fifth. You'd have yourself together and be ever so ready for the birth. But, that's not really the case. Each birth is unique and you can never really be 100% prepared…


Giving Birth During A Pandemic

If there is one thing I always recommend to other soon-to-be parents, it is to equip themselves with as much knowledge as they can get around pregnancy and birth. If not for the childbirth class I attended when I was pregnant with Charlie, I would not have known about and…


Ava’s Birth Story: Going With The Flow

When I gave birth to Charlie via VBA2C, we hoped for an unmedicated birth. However, we had to do what we can to ensure my and the baby's wellbeing so although it was a normal spontaneous delivery, it was done with epidural.During one of our check-ups for my fourth pregnancy,…