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Keep kids’ boredom at bay with Curious World

With the onset of the rainy season and the extreme heat when it does get sunny, kids are forced to stay indoors. Kids are natural explorers, always wanting to learn and discover and move…which is why the thought of staying indoors can be frustrating.

I know because I have two minis aged 5 and 3 who always want to have something to do. It’s a bit of a challenge for us because we live in a condo and there isn’t much “outdoor” space here. So, if I can’t take them to a park, I just try to look for indoor activities that are both fun and educational.

What is Curious World?

When we are out of puzzles to make or blocks to build, I turn to Curious World. The subscription website, which was developed by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, houses an expansive library of learning resources and activities for kids of all ages. What I like the most is that it’s ad-free so the minis don’t have to see ads that they’re not meant to see in the first place. If you are more inclined to using the iPad or iPhone to try the learning activities with your child, you can download their app for free.

Curious World offers eight learning areas, namely Creative Expression, Language and Literacy, Mathematics, Science, Family and Community, Executive Function, Social and Emotional, and Health and Well Being.

All these are being tackled in the minis’ preschool classes, so using Curious World is a great way to follow up on lessons they learned in school. What’s more is that since it can be easily accessed from the iPad or iPhone, we can use it even while on the go!

Curious World is subscription service that delivers an expansive library of early learning activities that are tailored to your child.

What do the minis think?

Now, the more important question here is, how did the minis find Curious World? Sure, I like it because I am assured that everything inside the app is educational and kid-friendly. But, did the minis like it too?

The Princess, 5 years old, really enjoyed using the app. It’s her third year in school already so she has a pretty good idea of how the flow goes–learning resources first then activities. She benefited the most from the app, too, because it served as her “reviewer” after school as it tackles all her subjects (except for Filipino).

The Little Man, 3 years old, enjoyed using the app as well. However, since he’s the type who prefers activities that allow him to move around, he didn’t last too long with the app.

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Rating: 4/5 – Curious World really comes in handy for parents of preschoolers since this gives them a platform where their kids can learn through fun activities. The only downside is that the subscription service costs $7.99 per month or $64.99 per year, which is a bit pricey for us who reside in the Philippines. Sure, it’s just about PHP 350 each month, but that’s still an extra cost.

Kimberley Reyes

Kimberley Reyes is an Online Business Manager for entrepreneurs who are ready to get off the hamster wheel and step into their CEO shoes. On top of helping her clients get organized and scale their businesses, she is also happily busy raising her five kids with her firefighter husband.

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