Random musings about life.

Let’s Play Catch Up

Hello there, dear readers. I know. I went MIA yet again. If you're following me on Instagram, you'd know why I've been gone: this Momma has been very busy preparing for the kids' joint celebration. For now, though, allow me to dump a bunch of photos and videos on you…


I cried because I miss taking photographs.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. Two days ago, I cried because I miss taking photographs using my camera (Note: a real camera, not a phone camera). Two things (aside from Daddy A and the kids) that truly makes me happy are traveling and photography. In fact, before I started Mom On…


Rock bottom is a beautiful start.

A few days ago, I saw my friend post a photo with a quote that said: "Rock bottom is a beautiful start." Call me a drama queen, but this quote made me teary-eyed. It made me remember the year that passed and the challenges and blessings that came with it. January…


Welcome to Mom On Duty!

Welcome to Mom On Duty! This is a personal blog about a woman juggling her duties as a fire officer's wife, a Mommy to two little ones and a work-at-home professional.


Happy Halloween!

It's that time of the year again when kids and adults alike have nothing else to talk about but scary stories. I have realized that no matter how old we get, we never really get tired of sharing creepy experiences. I guess we enjoy getting the goosebumps? I don't know.…